YOUR PRICE: $99.00

Ready to take your LinkedIn game to the next level?

The LinkedIn DealFlowSystem Course is perfect for beginner to intermediate level LinkedIn users. You will learn how to create a "Serious Buyer" LinkedIn Profile, use Sales Navigator to find and fill your calendar with OFF Market deals, and grow your Social Capital - where more Off Market Deals find you. This course is packed with valuable information that will help you fill your calendar with 5-10 motivated sellers every month!

By the end of the course, you will be able to find potential deals and connect with motivated sellers like a PRO!

Purchase the LinkedIn DealFlowSystem Course today!

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The DealFlowSystem has helped over 1000 Students Find Acquisitions

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Time, Money or Effort... the DealFlowSystem Beats
Every Other Method of Finding "Motivated Sellers" - EVERY TIME


What's Inside DealFlowSystem?


Deal Flow Course Introduction

  • Understanding the On Market vs. Off Market Deals
  • Deal Prospecting - Setting Your Expectations for the Adventure
  • The Deal Flow Equation; Position + Promotion + Process = Deal Flow
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Creating Inbound Deal Flow Attraction: Your Profile

  • Think of your LinkedIn page as a Direct Marketing landing page.

  • Your Landing Page Needs to match the needs of your prospects

  • How to convert your visitors into Deal Flow leads.

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Promotion & Sales Navigator: Deal Flow Prospecting

  • Your Outbound Actions are what your prospects see after they have been pre-framed to your abilities - Your Position in the Market.

  • The goal of pre-framing actions are to control their levels of trust and desire leading up to wanting to do business with you. 

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M&A Resources, Swipe Files & More...

  • The LinkedIn Social Selling Index - What it means
  • 17 More Ways to Source Off Market Deals
  • Connection Request Script Swipe File
  • How much time/effort are you sacrificing for the results 
  • Content Idea Starters Swipe File
  • More M&A Resources
  • Goal Setting on LinkedIn -  What needs to be true for you to achieve your goals?


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⭐  BONUS: How to Find Investors & Raise Capital on LinkedIn â­ 

  • How to Find Investors on LinkedIn and Get them Interested in Your Deal
  • How to 3X Your Odds of Landing an Investor
  • How to Create the Million Dollar Pitch Deck - What Investors Are Looking For...
  • 19 Questions to Qualify an Investor 
  • Talking to Investors and Asking for the Sale, Outreach Script Swipe File, One Page Pitch Outline, Raising Capital Checklist, Elevator Pitch Templates! 
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The Full Curriculum

Part 1: Course Introduction

  • Back Story Why I created the Course
  • About your instructor - Jon Stoddard
  • How hard is it to find acquisition targets?
  • On Market vs. Off Market Deals
  • How many "On Market" Deals are actually available?
  • How many Businesses on LinkedIn are for sale?
  • The numbers on Deal Prospecting - Setting Your Expectations
  • How to overcome your fear of rejection
  • The Deal Flow Equation

Part 2: Positioning:  How to Engineer Social Capital On LinkedIn 

  • Your LinkedIn Page - Landing Page
  • The Banner
  • The Headshot
  • Hashtags
  • Creator Mode
  • Featured
  • About
  • Experience

Part 3: Promotion: Outbound Prospecting

  • Update or Launch a New Company
  • Creating Content
  • Niche: How to Focus on a specific Industry
  • Hitting the Content Bell
  • Post Classified Ads
  • Network In Groups
  • Create a LinkedIn Event
  • Follow, Like, Comment and then Connect
  • Get on Podcasts
  • Sales Navigator
  • InMail
  • Algebra for better Search Results
  • Connect Request Math
  • Sales Navigator Prospecting Efforts/Sacrifice/Results Comparison

Part 4. M&A Resources, Swipe Files & More...

  • How to create money making opportunities with the seller even if they don't want to sell 
  • LinkedIn's Social Selling Index - The Algorithm and What it means
  • 17 More Ways to Source Off Market Deals
  • Goal Setting on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Deal Flow Tech Stack
  • Connection Request Script Swipe File
  • Content Idea Starters
  • More M&A Resources   

Part 5. BONUS: How to Find Investors & Raise Capital on LinkedIn

  • How to Find Investors on LinkedIn and Engage with Them 
  • How to 3X Your Odds of Landing an Investor
  • How to Create the Million Dollar Pitch Deck - What Investors Are Looking For...
  • 19 Questions to Qualify an Investor
  • Talking to Investors and Asking for the Sale, Outreach Script Swipe File, One Page Pitch Outline, Raising Capital Checklist, Elevator Pitch Templates! 
  • The Most Common Types of Private offerings
  • Accredited versus Non-Accredited Investors - How to Verify an Investor


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Frequently Asked Questions

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